.H Copyright (c) 1988-2002, Gary D. Campbell NAME =USAGE 0000 USAGE ENTRY 0000 =`0,@COPYRIGHT 0003 =CR,LF, "USAGE: LINK [",`0,@OBJ 0020 ="] [[",`0,@OBJ,"]]" 0033 =CR,LF,`8," names a root XPL Object File (" 005F =`0,@OBJ," is optional)." 0070 =CR,LF,`8,"A ",`0,@COM," File is created using the " 0093 ="filepath and name of the root." 00B1 =CR,LF,`8,"An optional ",`0,@OBJ," file, also using the " 00D9 ="filepath of the root," 00EE =CR,LF,`8,"may be created for cross-reference purposes." 011D CR.LF ENTRY 011D =CR,LF,0 0120 OBJ.EXT ENTRY 0120 OBJ: =".OBJ",0 0125 COM.EXT ENTRY 0125 COM: =".COM",0 012A W.1 ENTRY 012A ="Format Warning: ",`0,@07C,CR,LF,0 0140 W.2 ENTRY 0140 ="Duplicate Symbol: ",`0,@0172,CR,LF,0 0158 W.3 ENTRY 0158 ="Undefined Global: ",`0,@0172,CR,LF,0 0170 W.4 ENTRY 0170 ="Object Code Overlap or Wraparound at: ",`0,@5D,CR,LF,0 019C E.1 ENTRY 019C ="Corrupt .OBJ File",`0,@ABT 01B0 E.2 ENTRY 01B0 ="LINK Errors occurred at the following Addresses:",CR,LF,0 01E3 E.3 ENTRY 01E3 =`0,@5D," ",0 01E8 E.4 ENTRY 01E8 =`0,@7C," is the wrong type of ",`0,@OBJ," file.",`7,@ABORT 020D DONEOK ENTRY 020D =`0,@7C," Created O.K.",CR,LF,0 0220 BAD.END ENTRY 0220 =CR,LF,"Special Error Code = ",`0,@5D,`7,@ABORT 023D E.O.CODE ENTRY 023D NEXT . 0000 COPYRIGHT 0003 CR 0003 LF 019C ABT 01E8 ABORT