NAME=BACK 0000 back: $=0 def list end; Def of one line of OTRAN code 0008 $=1 ; NOP (comment) 000A $=2 + f; NAME= 000E e Error 000F def: d+. 0012 list: $=0 cond rep.c rep.p; 001A $=1 rep.p. 001E end: $=0 EMIT(); . 0021 $=1 EMIT(08); ; 0025 + EMIT(0E) a+. :goto 002B cond: $=0 EMIT(30) b; $b to invoking it. 003A $=3 EMIT(10) b. $b=b[,b] Each case is unique. 003F rep.c: cond :rep.c 0043 rep.p: prim :rep.p 0047 prim: $=0 EMIT(07); EMIT() 004B $=1 EMIT(01) b; EMIT(b[,b][,b][,b][,b][,b]) 0050 $=2 EMIT(0D) b; XOR(b) 0055 $=3 EMIT(80) b; XOR($[b][,b]) 005A $=4 c+; i 005E $=5 EMIT(F) a+; a 0064 $=6 EMIT(9); < 0068 $=7 EMIT(A); - 006C $=8 EMIT(B); > 0070 $=9 EMIT(C). +